I've been invited to give talks on different occasions, usually sharing my past experiences, career changes, and processes or tools I've used on various projects.

As a product designer, I think it's essential to be able to communicate ideas through storytelling and not be afraid of public speaking, so I'm always open to any opportunities to share my experiences.


  • ・破千觀看矽谷&台灣連線設計直播
    Guest speaker — Taipei and Silicon Valley UI Design Discussion (Redesign), Reborn Academy


  • ・Design Thinking 設計x產業之核心實戰工作坊|Host— Discussion of corporate pain points and design thinking, Reborn Academy


  • ・About Workshop|Link

  • • Share my career experience with a mentee.

    • Provide guidance to their portfolio and solve their problem.

    • About|Link